
Our team works together to deliver comprehensive care for all sports-related injuries. 作为运动医学专家, we use the latest treatments to help you get back to the sports and activities you enjoy.




皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校运动医学中心, 我们的优秀团队包括骨科医生, 初级保健运动医学医师和物理治疗师. Together, we specialize in diagnosing, treating and preventing all types of sports injuries.

在我们最先进的设施中, we use advanced imaging techniques to diagnose injuries and conditions accurately so we can deliver treatments that work. 当你选择皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康学院的运动医学专业时,你将受益于:

综合治疗: 我们的专业知识不仅限于诊断和治疗运动损伤. 我们专注于伤害预防, successful rehabilitation and lifestyle changes to help you feel your best and perform at the highest possible level. Our primary care sports medicine physicians also offer nutritional and lifestyle guidance. They help you understand how your diet can enhance your strength, endurance and athletic performance.

运动员经验: Our experts work with athletes at the professional, collegiate and high school levels. We understand the challenges of sports-related injuries as well as the unique concerns specific to athletes. 我们的服务人员会告诉你重返运动的目标. Then they create a customized treatment plan that helps you reach and exceed your goals.

在重建手术方面的专长: 我们的外科医生恢复功能, relieve pain and increase mobility using the latest minimally invasive arthroscopic procedures. We perform techniques that require as little recovery time as possible so you can get back in the game quickly and safely.

在护理点超声程序方面的专业知识:  我们的初级保健运动医学医生恢复功能, relieve pain and increase mobility using modern techniques including ultrasound-guided injections and use of orthobiologics. 注射治疗包括皮质类固醇, 富血小板血浆(PRP)和透明质酸(HA), 也被称为粘度补充. 我们还提供治疗,以增加受伤部位的血液流动, 其中包括经皮针刺肌腱切开术和刺扎术.

国家认可的护理: The UCLA 运动医学 Center is part of one of the top-ranked orthopaedic programs in the nation. Many of our doctors have earned national recognition for excellence in sports medicine. 你们将有一个著名的骨科专家团队, 运动医学和物理治疗致力于帮助你恢复.


As leaders in sports medicine, we understand the importance of comprehensive care for athletes. To fully recover from a sports injury – and to come back stronger than before – you need an expert team that focuses on all aspects of your care. That’s why our services include diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and injury prevention. 我们提供:

准确的诊断: 有效的治疗始于精确的诊断. 我们使用最新的成像技术来观察肌肉, 韧带和肌腱的细节. This technology helps us diagnose conditions accurately and deliver treatments that help you move without pain.

非手术治疗: 许多与运动有关的损伤不需要手术. 我们的专家有各种非手术治疗的经验, 包括药物治疗, 超声引导治疗和注射.

微创手术: 如果你需要手术,我会照顾你的. Our orthopaedic surgeons pioneered arthroscopic techniques that get you back in the game with the least recovery time and less pain than traditional surgery.

物理治疗和康复: Our sports medicine physical therapists are specially trained to treat athletes and active people. 我们与您一起回到您喜欢的活动, 最大化你的恢复和防止未来的伤害.

伤害预防: Our experienced 初级保健运动医学医师和物理治疗师 are experts in athletic conditioning and injury prevention. We evaluate how your body moves and recommend ways to reduce stress on your joints. 我们帮助您改变您的训练计划, 专注于提高平衡能力的方法, 力量和敏捷性.


Our orthopaedic team has experience treating the full range of sports injuries. These conditions may result from acute or chronic injuries, overuse, accidents or trauma. We have successfully treated the most complex and severe injuries using surgical and nonsurgical techniques. 我们的专长包括:


一些损伤会影响球窝肩关节的工作方式, 引起疼痛, 僵硬和活动能力下降. We specialize in relieving pain and restoring function to people with all types of shoulder injuries. 我们的肩部专家治疗:

  • Shoulder (A-C joint) separation, when the collarbone separates from the shoulder blade
  • Rotator cuff injuries, which affect the muscles and tendons in the shoulder joint
  • Frozen shoulder, which results from inflammation, pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint
  • 脱臼,上臂骨脱臼
  • 撞击综合征(游泳者肩), which happens when tendons in the rotator cuff are pinched due to inflammation
  • SLAP病变和唇部撕裂, 哪些是唇部损伤, 肩关节窝的软骨环


这些损伤通常是由于过度使用造成的. 我们治疗的一些最常见的肘部损伤包括:

  • 二头肌肌腱和三头肌肌腱撕裂
  • 网球肘
  • 高尔夫球肘
  • 小联盟球员的胳膊肘
  • 韧带或软骨损伤


运动员,如跑步者, 芭蕾舞演员和体操运动员髋部受伤的风险更高. 一些髋关节疾病会导致疼痛和活动受限. 我们治疗所有髋关节损伤,包括:

  • 髋关节唇裂(髋关节软骨损伤)
  • 腿筋撕脱伤
  • 髋骨上有一处瘀伤
  • 肌腱炎


许多运动员在某些时候都会经历膝盖疼痛, 要么是因为过度使用, 突然停止或改变方向, 碰撞在身体接触运动中摔倒或碰撞. Our experts specialize in innovative treatments for all types of knee injuries. 我们也帮助以前做过膝盖手术的人. 我们治疗的一些最常见的膝关节损伤和情况是:

  • 髌骨和股四头肌腱撕裂
  • 韧带撕裂, 包括前十字韧带撕裂, medial collateral ligament (MCL tear) and posterior cruciate ligament (PCL tear)
  • 软骨损伤,包括半月板撕裂和体松
  • Knee dislocations, which happen when the thighbone pulls away from the shinbone in the knee joint
  • 膝盖骨(髌骨)脱位和膝盖骨不稳定
  • 髌肌腱炎


Treating the complex structure of the foot and ankle requires specialized expertise. We have vast experience helping athletes and active people with a wide range of conditions that affect the lower leg and foot, 包括:

  • Foot and ankle fractures, sprains, muscle strains and instability from a previous injury
  • 脚踝撞击
  • 跟腱断裂
  • 足底筋膜炎,连接脚趾和脚跟的组织发炎
  • 肌腱炎


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校运动医学中心, 我们根据您的健康状况提供量身定制的治疗方案, 生活方式和目标. 我们的专家专注于缓解疼痛, 恢复流动性, 减少恢复时间,防止未来受伤. 我们提供:

专家理疗: 运动员对身体的要求很高. Our physical therapists help athletes and active people maximize their recovery, 回来时更强壮,防止未来受伤. 他们结合使用动手技巧, 再加上拉伸和加强锻炼,可以帮助你在没有手术的情况下康复.

非手术治疗: We offer a wide range of nonsurgical and minimally invasive treatments for sports injuries. Your physician may recommend corticosteroid or hyaluronic acid (HA) injections to relieve pain or platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections to speed healing. 我们还提供超声波治疗,以增加受伤部位的血液流动, 其中包括经皮针刺肌腱切开术和刺扎术.

微创手术: 我们的骨科医生擅长关节镜技术. 关节镜使用小切口, 一个微型相机和专门的仪器来修复关节内部的损伤. Minimally invasive procedures result in less pain and shorter recovery time than traditional (open) surgery. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, 我们开创了关节镜技术来治疗肩部的许多损伤, 肘, 臀部, 膝盖, 脚踝和脚.


我们的团队包括经验丰富的骨科医生, 初级保健运动医学医师和物理治疗师. We collaborate to bring you effective treatments while working with you to prevent another injury.

Our expert team provides medical services in both our Westwood and Santa Monica offices.  我们是皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校体育运动的医疗服务提供者, 洛杉矶道奇队, 洛杉矶湖人队, 南湾湖人队, 洛杉矶火花高中和多所当地高中.  此外,我们看到并治疗所有年龄和技术水平的运动员.


Our team is here to help you recover from injuries and prevent future problems. 呼叫 310-319-1234 联系运动医学专家.


Our team is here to help you recover from injuries and prevent future problems. 呼叫 310-319-1234 联系运动医学专家.